Last night I really wanted to do something with Amarion to make his homeschooling more fun and more than just bookwork but I couldn't come up with anything and so I prayed and Abba gave me an idea - sight word Yahtzee! Cool idea. I looked online to try to find a letter dice. I found a pack of 5 for $6.99 but after shipping it was over $13 and not worth it. I decided to make my own and so I printed off a blank dice pattern and I was going to write the letters on it. I told one of my employees about my idea and he asked if I happened to have a Boggle game (and I do) and he reminded me that the dice in that were all letters. BRILLIANT!!!!
So tonight after the younger ones went to bed Amarion and I played the game. We already had a deck of cards that I had made for sight word Go Fish so I picked out all the words that were 4 letters or more and then randomly chose 5 (each of us had the same cards). I used all of the dice from the Boggle game and a red cup from our rotary organizer.
He got to go first and I kind of helped him along in the beginning to look at his letters and decide which letters were in each of the words. He caught on pretty quickly. You get to roll 3 times just like in Yahtzee. Each time you roll you can keep as many letters as you want or you can roll all of them. When you spell a word you turn over that card and the first person to turn over all 5 of their cards wins.
I had to add a rule though and I had to watch during his turn because I was trying to multitask and I looked up and saw that he was picking up his dice and changing them to the letters that he needed. Little Turkey!!! He was not allowed to pick up a dice unless I saw it first. So he forfeited one of his rolls for cheating. and the little smirk on his face let me know that he knew exactly what he was doing.
He got really close to spelling "little" but didn't roll another "l" by his third roll. He was a good sport though.
I told him to look really close because he rolled a word with his first roll. Lucky Duck!!And he found it!
He tried to spell another word since he still had 2 more rolls but he didn't get the "p".
He finally got all the letters for little. He was very proud because he took 2 turns trying to spell it.
He was really moving along great and spelling one word after another. My board on the other hand was not looking so hot.
He was down to one last word to my three and I finally spelled yellow but that was all I could get before he spelled jump and won the game. He kept saying he wasn't sleepy because he knew how to hold his yawns in lol but his eyes were closed before his head hit his pillow too.This will definitely be a game that we will pull out again. Thank you Abba for such a great idea.
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