Saturday, December 7, 2013

Our Week in Review December 1-7

1. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty much a no school day since everyone was feeling bad and ended up going to the doctor and finding out we had 3 strep throats and an ear infection. So 4 babies on antibiotics and a host of other meds.

2. Thursday I went back to work and the kids headed back to daycare. We were under a winter storm watch but we didn't end up getting any bad weather after all. Thursday evening for school Zi and Niya and I played with play dough and they watched me use the cookie cutters and copied everything I did. Then they were pretty confident and took off by themselves making all sorts of "cookies".
Amarion worked on his handwriting with copywork and his letters with handwriting without tears app on the ipad.

3. Friday I went to the library and grabbed several books. We have a huge library of children's books but since I have found the homeschool share page there are a lot of books that I don't have and I love the lapbook activities that they have on there. I read one of the books to them called how many fish and we counted the fish and feet on every page. It was a cute story. The fish got stuck under the bucket and they thought that was sad so they showed me their sad faces which were pretty cute:

I took the opportunity to talk about our emotions and the showed me their angry faces:

Funny babies.

4. Saturday morning I was up pretty early and found a really cool blog and made a catapult in about 10 minutes with stuff from around the house. AWESOME!

5. Saturday was a busy day for us. I debated back and forth whether to take them to Home Depot for the kid workshop and then finally gave in just because I knew we would not get out of the house at all today if I didn't. So we bundled up and headed out. They really enjoyed making their tic tac toe game:

A friend of ours from church was there with her kids and she helped Amarion make his. A lady that was next to us helped Zion. So I only had to help Niya and baby girl. This was a blessing because trying to do projects like this with 4 littles is difficult. It made it so unstressful for me.

6. After nap on Saturday we started with school - Zi and Niya had some scissor practice time:

Niya was a typical 3 year old and did not cooperate in the beginning - but was very cooperative after 4 minutes on the reflection stool:
7. Amarion is really getting the hang of copywork and works really hard to make it very neat.
8. I read books with Zi and Niya and they loved the I Spy book:

9. Amarion's assignment was to write 3 sentences using sight words and draw a picture to go with it. He did really great. He spelled horses by himself and spelled it correctly - it is not one of his sight words. He spelled awesome "osm" which is really cute because when you sound it out, that is what you get.

10. We read a cute story Jesse Bear What Will You Wear and did a couple of activities for our lapbooks for it:

11. Zi and Niya learned how to play the game Cooties and loved it:

Niya won! Zi and I both needed one more piece.

12. I hid 5 bears around the living room for Zi and Niya to play hide and seek. They found the first 3 right off. Zi found the 4th one and then we played hot or cold to help them find the last one. It was laying on the windowsill. They walked over to that area several times and never looked up. Zi finally found it.

13. I needed some time to get our dinner done and on the table so I challenged them to build a tower with our cans - I save all the cans from our can goods and they love to play with them:

Niya was very successful at getting hers pretty tall about 2 or 3 times (baby girl kept kicking it over). Zi got a little frustrated because his would fall over when he added the 4th can.

14. After bible and our advent, the littles all went to bed and Amarion and I got to spend some time together. He learned how to skip count by 2s, we covered lesser and greater, and we played a new game that I found on another blog called 1-2-3 Spell It:

Then he got to choose what game we played next (I put all the games that we have made for him on popsicle sticks and he gets to choose one):

However, he really wanted to play the sight word yahtzee game that I made up so we ended up playing that and then we played sight word pancakes.

What a busy week. They are all looking forward to tomorrow because we light the 2nd advent candle.
Next week we have our 4H Christmas party on Monday and Lowe's has their kid workshop on Saturday. I really want them to go to that one because they are making a train.

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